Friday, April 19, 2013

Happy 35th Birthday James Franco!

Dear James Franco,
You're 35 today! Hope you had a Happy Birthday!

When you were filming the Broadway scene in "SpiderMan 3" (you remember the one...when MJ is singing and you watch from the balcony), director Sam Raimi told you to look at someone for your focal point. Now, who was that? Was is Kirsten Dunst? Nope. Was it Tobey Macguire? Nope. What? You don't remember? It was a girl named Stacy. Yep, that's right. My daughter. And when you two looked at each other (she was sitting behind Tobey) it was true love. Ok, only for a second. At least that's what I tell everyone. However, you did make eye contact!

Thanks James, for giving me a good story to tell for years and years. And I must say, you're a very good actor, who can memorize lines and can deliver in just one take. Or so my sources tell me. :)

And lastly, I must tell you I loved you in "Freaks and Geeks!" You would've been MY boyfriend, if you were really from the 70's!

Have a wonderful birthday!
Regards, Mrs Love

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